A frnd like U is

A frnd like U is
A frnd like U is a sweet gift, an emotional lift,a heart healer,a mood chiller,a gem so rare,a happy mate..& offcourse for me a lucky fate! Gd morng!

Jan, 16 2012     149 chars (1 sms)     842 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

There is no such thing as a bad day. There are only bad moments that people choose to nurse all day. Think of happy moments and create a happy day. G'mrng
If ur Eyes r SweetU Wud Lik All The People Of The WorldBut If ur Tongue Is Sweet ...All The People Of The World Will Like U.G'Mrng
Be thankful 4 every morning u wake up to a brand new day of ur adventure in LIFE god knows how to make ur day right, Look up and say "God be my Guide."
A sweeter smile. A brighter day. Hope everything turns out great for you today. Good morning and enjoy your day.
God created the World in 6 days but it would have taken him centuries to create someone as Caring,Good Looking and as Special As YouGd Day
Do dosto ki dosti se log jalte hain,Tarah-Tarah ki baatein karte hain,Jab Chand Aur Suraj ka hota hai khulkar MILAN,to use bhi log Grahan kehte hain...GM
Best thought 2 be remembered - "Work for a Cause and not for Applause " & "Live to Express urself and not to Impress some one else...!!"Good morning.
Welcome the new morning with a “Smile on ur Face”, “Love in ur Heart”, ” Good Thoughts in ur Mind” & you will hv a wonderful day. Wish you a lovely Morning.
Happiness keeps u sweet, Trials make u strong. Sorrows keeps u human, Faith keeps u humble. Success keeps u growing, God keeps u going.."Good evng"
Life Laughs At u, Wen u r Unhappy, Life Smiles At u wen u r Happy, But Life Salutes u Wen u Make Others Happy..Good Morning
kya hai zindgi?Dekho to khwab he zindgi,Padho to kitab he zindgi,Suno to gyan he zindgi,Par hum ye kehte he"haste raho"To AASAN he zindgi.GD MRNG
If u wait 4 Happy moments,u will wait forever..But if U start believing Dat u r Happy,U will be Happy 4ever.Wishing U Happiness 4ever...Good morning