No one in this

No one in this
No one in this world is rich enough to buy his own PAST So enjoy each moment before it gets beyond your reach! GOOD MORNING

Jan, 16 2012     123 chars (1 sms)     932 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Being a friend is not just sharing jokes, conversations, cup of coffee or funny story. It means sharing honest n true part of yourself...Gud mrng
Character is Like a Book!It Takes Seconds to BurnBut it Takes years to PrintSo Print it Carefully&NEVER Let It Burn.GM
Never blame any day in ur life.Gud days give u'happines'Bad days give u'experience' nWorst days give u a 'lesson.'All r essential for 'LIFE...Hav a nice day
"First pretend to yourself that you are so happy,slowly it becomes your habit & finally it becomes your character." GOOD MORNING
Excellent Lines."People Are Hated For A Single Mistake, Even Though There Are Thousand Reasons To Love..!"Think of it…!GM
As d sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower you lots of love and happiness to make ur day a meaningful one.GM
Face Challenges Confidently Thinking:"IF I CAN'T, WHO CAN".But After WINNING Be Humble Enough To Say: "IF I CAN,WHO CAN'T"Good Morning>
Persons who live in one's heart, are not needed to be met daily, their memories themselves are worth more than meeting them..GM
Measuring life by what others do for u may disappoint u. But measuring life by what u do for others will add more meaning 2 ur life...!! Gd day
If u wait 4 Happy moments,u will wait forever..But if U start believing Dat u r Happy,U will be Happy 4ever.Wishing U Happiness 4ever...Good morning
Don't make ur feelings like the garden, Everybody walk on it. But let it be like the sky. Everybody wishes 2 touch it.....! GM
Silence is the best way to keep away from problems. Smile is a powerful tool to avoid many problems. So have a silent smile always...