Anything in life

Anything in life
Anything in life happens 4 a reason n everythin tht happens is only 4 d good.Trust in these words u will start lovin evrythngood morning

Jan, 16 2012     136 chars (1 sms)     901 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Smile-is a language of love Smile-is a way to get success. Smile-is to win the hearts. Smile-makes every moment worth living. Keep mrng
Evry tear is a sign of broken,evry silence is a sign of lonlines,evry smile is a sign of kindnes,my evry sms is a wish 4 ur hapines.Gd mrng
Clocks make a sound as tick tick..But it's not tick tick..It's real sound is Quick Quick..Bcoz time is precious!GM
Be optic in(HEART)Be dynamic in(THOUGHT)Be static in(MIND)Be electric in(CHARACTER)Then u will be(MAGNETIC)everywhere.Gud morning!
3 Tips to play a safe life game: >Don't make promises wen u r in joy,>Don't reply wen u r sad,>Don't take decisions wen u r angry Think TWICE, Act WISE.GM
I like the people like you who like others like me and make the others like me to like others like you.. Think again.. Its worth understanding. good morning
Suraj Ugela hai,Chand Dubela hai,Murga Chilla Rela he..Chal bhidu Uthle..Bole to Rapchik 'GuDum wala Morning he re.
Happiness keeps u sweet, Trials make u strong. Sorrows keeps u human, Faith keeps u humble. Success keeps u growing, God keeps u going.."Good evng"
The gift of true frndship is that it takes us by the hand n reminds us,we r not alone in the journey of life.Gud mrng n have a nice day...
If a drop of water falls in a lake, its identity is over. If it falls on a lotusleaf, it shines like a pearl. The Drop is the same, its the COMPANY that matters Gd mrng
May The Sun Shine All Day Long, Everything Go Right And Nothing Wrong. May Those You Love Bring Love Back To You, And May All The Wishes You Wish Come True !!
"HOPE is the Ability to Hear the Music of the FUTURE.And FAITH is Having the Courage to Dance to it TODAY!."..