Fact of Life:Everyone

Fact of Life:Everyone
Fact of Life:Everyone thinks that the TRUTH should be on their side, But nobody wants to be on the side of TRUTH..Gud mrng

Jan, 16 2012     122 chars (1 sms)     780 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Sum Ppl Think That BLACK Color As Sentimentaly Bad, But They 4get 2 Know About "Every Black Board Makes Bright Students"GM
The best gifts to give: to friend - loyalty; to enemy -forgiveness; to boss - service; to child - good example; to parents - devotion; to friends - love; to God - our lives; and to text mate - message.
Lyf Has No Pause Button Dreams Have No Expiry Date Time Takes No Holiday Live Lyf Based On These Principles Think Well Live Simple & B Happy.GM
Wen KIDS learn to walk,they keep falling;but to them its not learning. so there's nothing called failure. everything is lesson. G.M.
Bitter Truth Of Life:"If We Get What Ever We Love There Is No Respect 4 Tears. If We Love What Ever We Get There Is No Need 4 Tears!"GM
Weekly 1 Day Holiday,Monthly 1 Day Salary Day,Yearly 1 Day Birthday,Lifely 1 Day Death Day,But Sharing Ur Frindship is Every Day.G'Mrng!
Best ever romantic words said by a true lover to his love-I Dont know how Beautiful U R bcoz my eyes Haven't Moved from ur eyes.. GDMrng..
Never blame any day in ur life.Gud days give u'happines'Bad days give u'experience' nWorst days give u a 'lesson.'All r essential for 'LIFE...Hav a nice day
So simple it is to Live. So simple it is to Love.So simple it is to Smile.So simple it is to win. But it's too difficult to be so simple.G'Mrng!
The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality! but d permanent defeat of life comes wen we surrender our dreams to reality. good morning
Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear. They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here Good Morning!
Luck is not in your hand. But work is in your hands.Your work can make luck But Luck cant make your work.So always trust yorself than yr luck......gm