Gud relations dnt

Gud relations dnt
Gud relations dnt need anyPromises,Terms & Conditions.It just need 2Wonderful People "One who canTrust & OneWho Can Understand''.

Jan, 16 2012     129 chars (1 sms)     740 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Everybody seems to b SPECIAL at first sight. But,only the SPECIAL ones maintain their level of dignity till the last sight of their life.GM
Here's 2day's weather forecast. There shall be SHOWERS of BLESSINGS all over u & a HEAVY downpour of GOD's Favour all around u. GOOD MORNING
Wen u thnk u hv no chance of gtng wat u wnt, u probably wont gt it. Bt if u believe in ur self, probably.. sooner or later, u will gt it..GM
Wen it rains all birds occupy sm shelter.Xpt EAGLE.Its only bird dat avoids rain by flyng abve clouds.Problem is comon 2all bt attitude mkes difference. God Mg
When u wake up in the morning, U have two choices : Go back to sleep and dream or Wake up and chase ur dreams.. Choice is yours gm
Nthing hapns witout a reason! "A persn who has com into ur life has com either to teach U sUmthing r to learn sUmthing frm U!GM
When God solves your problems u hav faith in his abilities, wen he doesn't solve ur problems he has faith in your abilities!!! Good morning....!...
"Never conclude a person with his present position, b'coz TIME has the power to change a invaluable coal into a valuable diamond".GD MRNG
When Kids learn to walk, they keep falling; but to them its not failing, its learning.So there's nothing called failure. Evrythng is a Lesson.GooD MorninG
Let d Most Beautiful Dream Cum 2 U Tonite, Let d Sweetest Person Come In Ur Dream Tonight, But Don't Make It A Habit Bcoz I M Not Free Every Night.
Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy & live life & make each moment beautiful…gd mrng
When god takes away something from ur hand don't think he is punishing u,He is just leaving u empty handed to recieve something mrng