if you get less

if you get less
if you get less messages from me… never think that I don’t care for you but I am in search of the right message for the best fnd like u GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     143 chars (1 sms)     815 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Welcome d new morning with a "Smile" on ur "Face","Love" in ur "Heart"."Gud Thoughts" in ur"Mind"& U will hav a Wondrful Day. Wish U A Lovely Morning. God bless.
Zindagi..na keval jeene ka bahana. Zindagi..na keval saanso ka khazana. Zindagi...Sindoor hai purab dishaa ka. Zindagi ka kaam hai Suraj ugana..!! Gmrng. Gudday
Pyaari Si Subhah Pyaare Se Panchi Pyaarese kinare,pyaari se bunde pyaari si thandi havaai Eak pyaar se insaan ko pyaara sa din jaaye.
Measuring life by what others do for u may disappoint u. But measuring life by what u do for others will add more meaning 2 ur life...!! Gd day
SOMETHING TO FOLLOW:"No dog will hurt u if u beat it with a bone! So always use the right weapon 2 handle wrong people!"gud mrng!
Speed can be calculated by "MILES PER HOUR". But our life is calculated by "SMILES PER HOUR". So no BP be HAPPY always Gud morning:
We Always Feel that GOD Never comes on Time When We Call Him... But the Truth is ~ He is Always on Time But We are Always in Hurry!.good morning
Change is the Law of Life.. Challenge is the Aim of Life.. U hav to challenge the Changes, not Change the Challenges.GD MRNG
If a drop of water falls in a lake, its identity is over. If it falls on a lotusleaf, it shines like a pearl. The Drop is the same, its the COMPANY that matters Gd mrng
Wen v pray v don't c God.Bt v know He listens.Wen I Snd sms to U, I don't c U.But I know, U'll think of me wid a Sweet Smile..Gud Mg, Have A Nice Day
Simple Bye makes us cry Simple joke makes us Laugh Simple care makes us fall in Luv & Touch makes us feel best Bt my msg makes u smile!GM
Always be Happy, always wear a smile. Not because life is full of reasons to smile, but because your smile itself is a reason for many others to Smile.--