Success is going

Success is going
Success is going from one failure to another failure without loosing your enthusiasum............GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     104 chars (1 sms)     824 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

It's paradoxical, that the person on whom u have the most control, is yourself.Yet the hardest person to transform is yourself.Good Morning.
whenever i want to see u,i"ll just close my eyes,if god decides to take u away from methen i"ll ask god to close my eyes forever...Good morning. Good day
There is no special occasion today, no reason to text, no news to share, and no problems to air. It's just one of those times I wish to say I REMEMBERED U!good day
Leave something for someone but never leave someone for something becuz..... in life something will leave you but someone will always be with you .Good morning
Sumtimes v think-why frnz keep frwrding msgs 2 us without speking words D reson is dat,u hv got nothing big 2 say,but still want 2 stay in touch...!!GM
Kill the STRESS before it Kills u. Reach the GOAL before it kicks u. Help evryone before somone helps u. Live the LIFE before Life leaves mrng
Chalo sabse pahle ek kaam karte hai aapko pyar bara salam karte hai mubarak ho aapko yeh din is din ki sari khushiya aapke naam karte hai good morning
Don't keep ur dreams in ur eyes, they may fall as tears. keep them in ur heart so dat every heart beat may remind u abt that dream". Good morning
Clocks make a sound as tick tick..But it's not tick tick..It's real sound is Quick Quick..Bcoz time is precious!GM
Never let dreams die, for if you do, life will only be a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, andas long as there is hope, there is joy in living.'**** GOOD MORNING
PLeasure In Ur Heart;Warmth InUr Soul;Success InUr Life;SmiLe On Ur Face;Fragrance Of Love InUr Home;May These Be Ur's ForEver:GooD MorninG.
MeAning Ful Life:If u cAn not be a pencil to write anyone's hAppinessTry AtleAst to be nice Rubber 2 ErAse everyone's Sorrow.GM