Gold rate keeps on increasing day by day I'am so so worried about u..Please be careful,Sum 1 kidnap Ubcoz u r a person with a Pure GOLDEN HEART Good morning
Early this morning God gave me 3 baskets of fruits -LOVE + HAPPINESS + PEACE OF MIND and told me 2 share them with PPL Dear 2 me. I'm sharing all with U...Good Morning!
Sky is golden when sun is rising. Ocean is silver when moon is shining. The day is pleasant when U R smiling... "KEEP SMILING" Have a nice day .GOOD DAY.
to luv someone is a natural instinct. to b luved by someone is luck. to live wid someone u luv is achievement. to live wid someone who luves u is life! gud mrng
In d Book of life,d Page Yestrdy is over,d Page future is blank,n Page 2day is being writen. So write d best U can,coz on ths Book,eraser dsn't work! Gudmrng
Never blame any day in ur life.Gud days give u'happines'Bad days give u'experience' nWorst days give u a 'lesson.'All r essential for 'LIFE...Hav a nice day