Even a correct decision is wrong when it's taken too late.Vision without action is a daydream.Action without vision is a nightmare.JUST THINK.Gud morning
If an egg breaks due 2 outside force! inside life ends!but... if it breaks from inside!life begins! great things always begin from inside! so try to make your inside good!good morning
God allows life to be rocky, his intention is not to let the rocks grind you into dust but to polish you to become a brilliant gem........ stay precious.gd mrng
Sumtimes v think-why frnz keep frwrding msgs 2 us without speking words D reson is dat,u hv got nothing big 2 say,but still want 2 stay in touch...!!GM
Life starts with a voice but ends with silence...Love starts with a fear but ends with tears..True friendship starts any where and ends no where.G'Mrng!