Do not expect

Do not expect
Do not expect the circumstances to be always in your favor.This world has not been created for you alone.Good morning.

Jan, 16 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     960 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

I woke up a few hours ago, but somehow I feel incomplete til I remembered I haven’t texted u yet. Have a pleasant morning!
A heartbreak is not always loud as a bomb blast,it may b as quiet as a feather fallin & most painful thing is nobody hear it.GM
Gold rate keeps on increasing day by day I'am so so worried about u..Please be careful,Sum 1 kidnap Ubcoz u r a person with a Pure GOLDEN HEART Good morning
Every tear is a sign of weakness…Every silence is a sign of loneliness…Every SMS is a sign of remembrance..Gd mrng
Fantastic Quote about life:-Everything is "Prewritten" but nothing can b "Re-written"! So live the best n leave the rest to GOD!.GD MRNG
Hot tea aapke bed pe hai Sooraj ki kirnein head pe hain Newspaper aapke gate pe hai Ab to uth jaiye, aap kis k wait me hain!!Good morning
Dont Go d Way Life TakesU.Take Life d Way U Want to Go.Just b urself,dnt compromise always,Remembr U r Born to Rule not to be Ruled. B a 'WARRIOR in
If u MAnAge to Smile at Any Situation,U r the winner of Highest Number of heArts in This world.So ManAge with Smile Anytime nd Anywhere.GM
Gud relations doesn't need any promises any terms or condition.....It jst need 2 wonderful people. One cool like me...One sweet like you....GM
Each time I text you good am, it's not just a morning greeting. There's a silent message saying I thought of you as I woke up this morning! Good am!
The value of life does not depend on the length of time on this Earth but rather on the amount of love given and shared to the people we care about .gd mrng
"Even a small dot can stop a big sentence.. But Few more dots can give a continuity…" Amazing but True..GD MRNG