Courage is not

Courage is not
Courage is not the absence of fear,it is rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.GOOD MORNING .

Jan, 16 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     2007 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Be who you areand say what you feel because those who mind don't matterand those who matter don't mind.!Good morning.
The more u count ur blessings, the more blessings u will have, to count! I always do, and I count u as the nicest blessing! God Bless u each day Good Morning! Have a nice day!
Hot tea with my COLD sms, Cold shower with my WARM sms, Spicy breakfast with my SWEET sms, & lovely morning with my GUD MORNING sms.
Live each day in d happiest way,be d best, no matter wher u stay.Let ur fortune so unfold, tht even the stones u hold, may turn into gold.G'Morning!
One of the basic difference between God & Human is,God gives gives gives & forgives.....But human gets gets gets & forgets....Gmrg
A Wellwisher is nvr measured by the no. of times he made you laugh..Bt By d no. f times he made u smile aftr u cried...!
Early this morning god gave me 3 baskets of fruits - love ,happiness peace of mind and told me 2 share them with peal dear 2 me. i’m sharing all with u…
A beAutiFul Thougth:A winner cAn Show u d Way to Success..But A Loser cAn mAke you AwAre Of All WAys LeAding To FAilure..!-GM
Education gives quality of life.Money givs quality of respect.Wife gives quality of love.but friendship gives quality of heart.Gd mng
Water falls from a hill,it nevr thinks it had fallenit raises 2 run as a un stoppable Rive rLife is not Falling but RISING AT EVERY FALL…GM
Gud mrng d sun is up time 2 fill ur coffe cup. d day is new & how it will be is up 2 u. makes plan 2 purse what it is that u seek so that u can stand on d highest peak filled wd delight hv a fantastic day
Wen u thnk u hv no chance of gtng wat u wnt, u probably wont gt it. Bt if u believe in ur self, probably.. sooner or later, u will gt it..GM