Wishng u d wings

Wishng u d wings
Wishng u d wings 2 fly, d vision 2 dream widly, d heart 2 luv deeply & d spirit 2 embrace all d beauty in life "Gud morning"

Jan, 16 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     1142 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Trust should be like the feeling that one year old baby has : when u throw him in air, he laughs.. Because he is sure you'll catch him..gd mrng
If dreams werent dreams & dreams came true i woodnt b here id b wiv u.Distance is 1 thing dat keeps us apart.But ull always remain in my heart!.GD mrng
Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.Gud Mrng
Good Morng!!!..May God grant a Sunbeam 2 warm u.A Moonbeam 2 Charm u.An angel,so nothing can Harm U...And whenever U pray-Heaven 2 Hear u...Have a Wonderful Day.
As the sky breaks into a beautiful Sunrise ...may GOD open the window of heaven to shower U lots of blessings...Good Morning...
Dont worry for the delay in ur success compared 2 others bcoz construction of pyramid takes 2 much time thn an ordinary building....GudMrng!
Everyone wants to be the sun that lights upyour life . But I would rather be your moon, so I can shine on you daily during your darkest hour when your sun is not around.GOOD MORNING
A smile gives red color 2 ur cheeks, white color 2 ur teeth, pink color 2 ur lips, silver color 2 ur eyes.. So smile & njoy all colors of life.G'Mrng!
Kamyabi tumhare kadam chume, khushian na kabhi tumse rooth paaye tumhare jivan mein ugta suraj har roz sukh ki kirnein failaye. good morning.Have a nice day.
:Eyes of Gold,Eyes of Silver can never be like yours coz, ur Eyes shows ur LoVe for me and i can sit all day looking in to ur Eyes..Gd Mrng
Wat is easy & difficult in life? Easy is to judge d mistakes of others.. Difficult is to recognise & accept our own mistakes.GM
I Wish Ur Life bSoft As SilkWhite As MilkSweet As HoneyFull Of MoneyMay All Ur Dreamz Come TrueThis Wish Is Only 4 UGood MRNG