In Life LoVe

In Life LoVe
In Life LoVe is never planned nor does it happen for a reason. But when Luv is real, it becomes ur Plan 4 life and ur reason 4 living.Good morning.

Jan, 16 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     872 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Morning Breezem, Morning coolness, Rising sun, Humming birds, Melting dew, Along with dis "LITTLE MSG" Wishing a very "GLORIOUS Good MORNING"
Heart touching dialogue:Force can make everything possible in the world,but it cant create a single drop of love in anybody's heart..GM
Feeling r created by heart n feeling r controlled by mind so give importance to mind not to heart. Bcoz Al difficulties comes frm feelings.GM
End is not end.. in fact, end is effort never dies!! no is not always just denial.. its no- next opportunity!! always b positive!! have a nice morning
Excellent Lines."People Are Hated For A Single Mistake, Even Though There Are Thousand Reasons To Love..!"Think of it…!GM
God Gave Us Memories That We Might Have June Roses In December Of Our Lives. Good Morning Have A Wonderful Monday And Keeep Smiling:
If I had a penny for everytime I thought of you, I'd still miss you, but at least I would be rich enough to come and see you..!!GM
When time comes 4 u to give ur hearts to someone, make sure u select someone who wil nevr breaks ur heart, bcoz broken hearts has never spare parts…Gd MRNG
Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up .GD MRNG
People who give importance to their happiness make other peoples unhappy from themselves. Good Morning
Nevr get discouraged, bcoz nothng gr8 is ever achieved without patience&hope.Remembr,It is often d last key in d bunch dat opens d door.GM
Sometimes A hurt is needed 2mAke u GrowFAilure is needed 2mAke u GrowLoss is needed 2mAke u GainBcoz Some lessons r best wen leArnt thru pAin..GM