If Yesterday

If Yesterday
If Yesterday didn't end up the way YOU planned, just remember, GOD created TODAY for YOU to START a new one! The BEST is yet to come!! GD MRNG

Jan, 16 2012     142 chars (1 sms)     934 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Wen life seems to be a journey thru a dark tunnel, just take me along... I dont promise 2 lead U to light, But I can assure U tht U are Not Alone..Good mornin
I am not afraid of a fighter who knows 1000 kicks,But I am afraid of the one who has practiced 1 kick 1000 times. GM
There is no "A" in alphabets of numbers i.e. One,two,three etc... U have to wait till thous'A'nd . . ..! Moral Sucess requires PATIENCE. G'Mrng!
Lyf is not worth livin until u hav some1 2 die 4… nd lyf is not worth dyin 1ce u hav some1 to live 4.. strange but true
Truth of life:"U may fall in love with the beauty of someone, but remembr finally U have to live with the charactr, not with the beauty.."GD MRNG
There r no secrets to success.It is the result of preparation, hard work n learning frm failure.-He, who moves not forward, goes backward. a cool mrng
If an egg breaks due 2 outside force! inside life ends!but... if it breaks from inside!life begins! great things always begin from inside! so try to make your inside good!good morning
Being a friend is not just sharing jokes, conversations, cup of coffee or funny story. It means sharing honest n true part of yourself...Gud mrng
There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around .gd mrng
Simple bt meaningful words:"Wat u wan u don get,Wat u get u don enjoy,Wat u enjoy is nt permanent,Wat is permanent is boring"That’s life.GM
"I cried bcoz I had no shoes till I saw a man with no feet". Life is full of blessings sometims we're just too blind to see them.So alwys be +ve..Gud MRNG
I'm loving u to live & i'm living to love u,Becoz u are the heartbeat of my heart.I love you..Gud morning: