A snuke is a sigh

A snuke is a sigh
A snuke is a sigh of joy.A hug is a sign of love.A laugh is a sign of happiness & A friend like u wel thats a sigh of MY LUCK*********GOOD MORNING

Jan, 16 2012     146 chars (1 sms)     949 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Do U knw which s d best part of life.? Its Simple… "when ur family understands u as a friends & Ur friends support u as ur family.!GD MRNG
A sweeter smile. A brighter day. Hope everything turns out great for you today. Good morning and enjoy your day.
Evry sunset give us 1 day less 2 live,bt evry sunrise give us,1 day more 2 hope!So,get up & hope 4 the best.Gud Day & Gud Luck
If ur Eyes r SweetU Wud Lik All The People Of The WorldBut If ur Tongue Is Sweet ...All The People Of The World Will Like U.G'Mrng
when i woke up early morning birds were singing i asked them i m missing a sweet voice in u a bird replied: u still havn’t said good morning to taht sweet Angel….so GooD MorninG sweet heart
Talents in u should b like spider's web. It may not b strong enough 2 hold this whole world, but it should hold urself to rule ur kingdom.GM
Good Morng!!!..May God grant a Sunbeam 2 warm u.A Moonbeam 2 Charm u.An angel,so nothing can Harm U...And whenever U pray-Heaven 2 Hear u...Have a Wonderful Day.
"Success is not defeating others and making them Sad. Success is Winning others and making them Glad".Gud morning..
Be a person full of love and life, stay simple and be happy… When things go wrong don’t go blue, Just pray and say I will get through, Always remember God Loves You.gd mrng!
Log juth kehte hai ki DIWARO me DARARE padti hai Haqikat to ye he ki jab DARARE padti hai tab DIWARE banti he So Resolve Misunderstandngs.GM
My lovely messages are not for time pass.They silently say thatI'm thinking of youright now and alsoMaking you tothink of Me for a moment..Good morning
Every tear is a sign of weakness…Every silence is a sign of loneliness…Every SMS is a sign of remembrance..Gd mrng