Feeling of love + moments of caring + choti-choti sharing + stupid fights + shouldrs 2 cry + 2 b together in pain Creates a miracle called "FrIeNdShIp".
Tumhari dosti, tumhari har wafa hi kafi hai, tamam umar yeh asra hi kafi hai. Jahan kahi bhi milo mil ke muskara dena, khushiyo ke liye yeh hasi hi kafi hai…
LIFE without FRIENDS is... L-onely I-nsecure F-ull of doubt & E-mptiness LIFE with FRIENDS is... L-ight & easy I-nspiring F-ull of hope & E-nthusiasm dats why I need YOU!
Life is a party whenever i am with you, you turn my tears into smiles when we share and laugh together, you make me spend a lot and it is worth it, because i care about you my dear friend.
cant find a reason why God gave you to me But thats not the question to be asked May be the question is how did God know that I needed a person like you