Every garden must have a red rose, every sweet face must have a red cheeks and a good nose, every grass must have a dew, and evey person must have a friend like you.
Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain.Its not something U learn in school. But if havent learned the meaning of Friendship,U haven;t learned anything....
Having a good laugh with a friend like you stimulates endorphins, the brain’s natural painkillers. So, if you need to laugh and you can’t find a friend like yourself, I can lend you my mirror.
A warm "hello" doesn't come from the lips, it comes from the heart; doesn't have to be told, it has to be shown; doesn't have to be given, it has to be sent.
I don't regret the things I have done and the things I didn't do. For somewhere along the way I must have done something right coz I ended up with a friend like you.
Life is like Chemistry: DILUTE ur sorrows. EVAPORATE ur worries. FILTER ur happiness. And u will find CRYSTALS of love and friendship....... I found u!!!