I pray for you... That you get life that you truly deserve.. A life as good as your heart.. A life as bright as your smile.. And a life as wonderful as you are!
If anyone ever asks me what the statement Life is BEAUTIFUL meant to me, I would just put my arm around your shoulder, hold you close to me and say This is it !!!
A word 2 say,A word 2 hear, Even in ur absence I feel u near..... Our relation is strong, Hope it goes long..... We'll remain friendz,Till our HEARTS go on....
As I saw ants crawl up the wall, I noticed that no matter how busy they are, they still stop and communicate with each other. I hope we can be like them.
To share what is difficult. To heal what is hurting, To think what is not possible, To understand without even talking. Is the miracle called Friendship.
Sum frens r separated by time, sum by differences, sum by distance, sum by pride, but no matter how far u r and how busy we may be u’ll always b special 2 me.