Success Mantra:

Success Mantra:
Success Mantra: Watch your THOUGHTS when you are ALONEAndWatch your WORDS when you are in a CROWD...Happy Morning

Jan, 16 2012     113 chars (1 sms)     12967 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

We never have what we like, we never like what we have, still we live, love and hope that some day we will get what we love or love what we have. That"s Life...Good Morning"
The amazing truth about a human TONGUE:It takes 3 YEARS to learn HOW 2 use it. But,It takes LIFETIME 2 learn WHEN & WHERE to use it.GD MRNG
Never get too attached to anyone because attachments always lead to expectations & expectations always leads to disappointment G.M.
Who said OPEN and CLOSE are opposite words? We are always OPEN to the person whom we are CLOSE to,,,, Isnt it…?GD MRNG
When u share urself with others, Life begins to find its meaning. The Time u touch the Hearts of others, is the moment u truly start living.Gd mrng
If we are truly desirous of ascent, beatifying bliss and peace, we must begin to look inwards.GD MRNG
Real fact:No one in the world is afraid to speak the truth..Evrybdy is afraid only to face the consequenses aftr the truth is let out!GM
"I am not afraid of dying,I just don't want to be there when it happens".Good morning..
With petals of Roses,Palm full of Holly water,Light of Full Sun,Fragrance of Flower and Grass with dew.I wish u a very special Good Morning....
Be MorE Concerned AbouT YouR CharacteR ThaN YouR ReputationN BecausE YouR CharacteR Is WhO YoU ArE AnD YoU ReputaioN Is WhaT OtherS ThinK Of YoU!!!GD MRNG
Keep the smile. Leave the tear. FeeL the joy. Forget the fear. Hold the laugh. Leave the pain. Be Happy forever..Gud Morng
Don't fear for facing failure in the first attempt,Because Even the successful Maths starts with ZERO..Miss you friends.GM