Success slogan 1

Success slogan 1
Success slogan 1. Define ur self.2. Never give up.3. Plan ur future.4. Realise the value of time.5. Think positive.6. Catch ur dreams.GM

Jan, 16 2012     136 chars (1 sms)     13303 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

If u MAnAge to Smile at Any Situation,U r the winner of Highest Number of heArts in This world.So ManAge with Smile Anytime nd Anywhere.GM
Never search happiness in others, This will make you to feel alone. But search it in yours self, You will feel happy even you are left mrng
Night's ended for another day. Morning has come in a special way,may you smile like the sunny rays & leave your worries for some other day.GOOD MORNING
Morning Thought: "Patience is not much about waiting. It is more about how one behaves while waiting." Good Morning.
Morning Coolness, Rising Sun, Singing Birds, Melting Dew, Along With This Little Heart Wishing You A Very Glorious Good Morning
SMILE is a Source to Win a Heart..SMILE is a Name of Lovely Mood..SMiLE Creates Greatness in Personality!So KEEP SMILING.GM
" Life is like a flowing river of opportunities "Its upto you to stand up with a bucket or spoon.Good Morning.
"First pretend to yourself that you are so happy,slowly it becomes your habit & finally it becomes your character." GOOD MORNING
So simple it is to Live. So simple it is to Love.So simple it is to Smile.So simple it is to win. But it's too difficult to be so simple.G'Mrng!
What is the meaning of sms? Share my sweetness, search my soul, seek my sweetheart, succeed my smartnss, see my smile.So keep sending sms…GD DAY
Sucess without a positive attiude is called LUCK but sucess with a positive attitude is called ACHIEVEMENT. Gud mrng
Dntgo4luks they can deceive Dntgo4wealth in end it fadesaway Go4sum1 who makes u smile bcoz ittakes onlysmile 2make dark day bright GM