Success slogan 1

Success slogan 1
Success slogan 1. Define ur self.2. Never give up.3. Plan ur future.4. Realise the value of time.5. Think positive.6. Catch ur dreams.GM

Jan, 16 2012     136 chars (1 sms)     13326 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Life is a combination of success and failure. Both are needed. God can do anything for you if you simply give Him a chance. Gud Mrng…
I have known the pain of failure, frutration , disappointment, defeat! Because I have taken a chane on Winning, Succeeding, Achieving! It takes a lot of the the first to get some of the second."HAVE A GREAT DAY AHEAD!!
NO & YES r short words which need long thought. Most of d troubles in Life r the result of saying.YES too soonorNO too late.gdMRNG
Cockacoladuuuuuu, Refreshed and newwwwwwwwwwww, skies are bluuuuuuuuuuuu, Goodmorning to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Heartbreaks will last as long as you want and Cut as deep as you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from mrng
Morning Thought: "Patience is not much about waiting. It is more about how one behaves while waiting." Good Morning.
sum1 asked me to discribe u in a sentence. . . i said "individual that makes place in others heart without even knocking at it" G.M.
Dont waste time 4 nwanted things,thoughts etc.Take time 4 better ones.It will lead u 2 success.'TIME IS PRECIOUS,LIFE IS SHORT'Be always happy..gud mrng
May The Sun Shine All Day Long, Everything Go Right And Nothing Wrong. May Those You Love Bring Love Back To You, And May All The Wishes You Wish Come True !!
Smile is a cooling system of heart, Sparkling system of eyes, Lightening system of face, Relaxing system of mind. So,keep smiling.
Be a diode to remove -ve thinking,A transistor to amplify the Character…. A resistor to drop Bad habits,A capacitor to store Good thoughts….gd mrng
Dont b afraid of d space betwn ur dreams & reality.If u can dream it u can make it so.G'Mrng!