"To Have good relations

"To Have good relations
"To Have good relations wth all,we should keep our nature lik a Theatre Screen.It accepts All Characters but remains Peacefully White"

Jan, 16 2012     134 chars (1 sms)     917 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

LYF is a Rope dt Swings us thro HOPE,Always believ 2day is much Better dan Yday &2moro wil b Best dan 2day!So jst Go on.Gud nite.Swt drmz.
Good Message for a Good Person from a Good Friend for a Good Reason at a Good Time on a Good Day in a Good Mood to say GOOD MORNING
Love without depending,live without pretending,listen without defending,speak without offending,and smile without doubting.. So smile good morning
When u share urself with others, Life begins to find its meaning. The Time u touch the Hearts of others, is the moment u truly start living.Gd mrng
Heart said to eyes,"Don't see more because you see and i suffer".Eyes said to heart,"Don't think more because you feel and i cry for it" Gud mg
Each drop of a Tear is Costly then anything in World..But,No One knows its value until they have it in their own eyes For Someone..GD MRNG
Success slogan 1. Define ur self.2. Never give up.3. Plan ur future.4. Realise the value of time.5. Think positive.6. Catch ur dreams.GM
Lovely thought.... "Death is not the greatest loss in life. the greatest loss is what dies in you when you are alive". Gd mrng
You can Eat & Drink Together,Talk & Laugh Together,But you Are Only Real Friends When You Also Cried Together.GudMrng. Gud Day.
We may not achieve everything that we dream. but we will not achieve anything unless we dream.good morning
Success is going from one failure to another failure without loosing your enthusiasum............GD MRNG
Don't expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When u don't expect, every moment, everything is a surprise n every surprise brings happiness. morning