Whnever u smile,I am near u to share it. Whneveru feel sad, I am inside ur heartbearing d pain.So dont b sad, ursorrows hurts me alot. B happy alwaz.. Gm
Five steps to a lovely morning close your eyes, take a deep breath, open your arms wide, feel your heart beat and say its too early. let me sleep again. good morning.
Nice people are the best part of our memories, that time can never erase and when l am blessed with people like you, my memories are always worth treasuring.GD MRNG
God planted a seed of faith in our hearts, so all we had to do is water it with prayers, fertilize it with words of God and cultivate it with lots of love.good morning
Memories are always special. Sometimes We laugh by remembering the days we cried. And we cry by remembering the days we laughed. Thats life..Good Morning