When god takes

When god takes
When god takes away something from ur hand don't think he is punishing u,He is just leaving u empty handed to recieve something better.gd mrng

Jan, 17 2012     142 chars (1 sms)     925 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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You can Eat & Drink Together,Talk & Laugh Together,But you Are Only Real Friends When You Also Cried Together.GudMrng. Gud Day.
Nice people are the best part of our memories, that time can never erase and when l am blessed with people like you, my memories are always worth treasuring.GD MRNG
God created the World in 6 days but it would have taken him centuries to create someone as Caring,Good Looking and as Special As YouGd Day
Your soul came back from dreamland re-united with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly open ur eyes realize its a brand new day. good morning
Delay is the enemy of efficiency,Waiting is the enemy of utilisation.So,Don"t delay anything&Don"t wait for anything.gd mrng""
A smile gives red color 2 ur cheeks, white color 2 ur teeth, pink color 2 ur lips, silver color 2 ur eyes.. So smile & njoy all colors of life.G'Mrng!
What is the meaning of sms? Share my sweetness, search my soul, seek my sweetheart, succeed my smartnss, see my smile.So keep sending sms…GD DAY
When v think about r problems, they D_O_U_B_L_E. But when we laugh at them they become A B_U_B_B_L_E! Have a doubly bubbly Day.gudmorning
God givs evry bird its food,bt he doesnt throw it 2 its nest."DefeAt is nt wen u fAl down,its wen u refuse 2 get up"Gud MRNG
Dont b afraid of d space betwn ur dreams & reality.If u can dream it u can make it so.G'Mrng!
U R MY BESTSMARTBLE, SWEETEST N INTELIGENT FRIEND.NOTE:- Is msg k sbhi shabd kalpnik he, Inka wastawik jivan se koi sambandh nahi hai..Gud day.
Golden rays of golden sun, Golden day of golden rays and Golden wishes of golden day for GOLDEN person like U!" GOOD MORNING.