Life is a Game:everybody

Life is a Game:everybody
Life is a Game:everybody says,"mistake is d 1st step of success." D fact is"correction of mistake is d 1st step of success'.Gudmrng!

Jan, 16 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     889 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Water falls from a hill,it nevr thinks it had fallenit raises 2 run as a un stoppable Rive rLife is not Falling but RISING AT EVERY FALL…GM
"Every Relation Is Like Cardiogram. It Always Has Ups & Down. If Its Steady It Dies. So Accept It Positively, Believe In Forgiving" G'Mrng!
'G' god'O' offer us'O' outstanding'D' Devotion to'M' make us'O' obedient &'R' ready for'N' new day to'I' initiate'N' new aim for the'G' glory of life..HAVE A NICE DAY
Dont think how many moments in your life, just think how much life is there in a moment.
Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear. They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here Good Morning!
Please Open Ur Eyes! So The SUN Can Rise, Flowers Can Blossom, Birds Can Sing, Bcoz All are Waiting to See Ur Beautiful SMILE in Ur Face.... & say GOOD MORNING
"LITTLE" is what i talk to U.."LOT" is what i like about U.."HAPPINESS" is what i wish for U.."REMEMBER ME" is what i expect from U..Gud mrng
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.GM
Keep the smile, leave the tear,Think of joy, forget the fear...Hold the laugh, leave the pain,Be joyous dear till we meet again..GM
Arguing with a boy is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. Aftre some time,u realize that u r getting dirty,but the pig is actualy enjoyng!
Don’t take life too seriously & always find time to laugh coz laughter not only add years to ur life, but adds more Life to ur Years. Have nice day
Life is cricket, Dont lose ur wicket,Try 2 get century,Never 4get ur boundry,Even if u r run out, Never become mood out,BeCOZ GOD Is 3rd umpire.good morning