Both Anger &

Both Anger &
Both Anger & Happiness r complimentary..Make ur anger so expensivethat no1 can afford it & make ur happiness so cheap that people get it free frm u!GM

Jan, 16 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     786 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

A New Morning a New Sun A New Day A New Smile Says To You Forget All The Worries All The Sorrow For Someone Who Wants To See You Always Happy GoOd MoRnInG ..
There is no "A" in alphabets of numbers i.e. One,two,three etc... U have to wait till thous'A'nd . . ..! Moral Sucess requires PATIENCE. G'Mrng!
Always try to prove that you are right but... Never attempt to prove that others are wrong…GM
'Pls give me a KISS !Shocked ?Daro matKISS means...K > KoiI > InterestingS > SmsS > Send karoab to thik hai na .So KISS me every day.Good morning
To Meet N Depart Is D Way Of Life, But 2 Depart N Meet Is D Hope Of Life. We Meet 2 Create Memories, But We Depart 2 Preserve It....Gud Mrng..
Making everyone happy in the world is impossible. Atleast make the one happy who is being with u, by your love, affection and sweet smile.Good morning.
People don’t change when U tell them better option They change only when they realise therz NO other option..GD MRNG
"Hunger wakes U 2 work!Anger makes U achieve!Poverty pushes U 2 earn!Problems keep U alert!It's +ve Attitude that makes a better life!"
Talents in u should b like spider's web. It may not b strong enough 2 hold this whole world, but it should hold urself to rule ur kingdom.GM
True wealth is not a matter of bank accounts and assets its in the values we live and share as well as the person we keep in touch with & care gud morning
A nice Thought read it twice. ''Those who are most slow in making a promise, Are the most faithful in fulfillng it." .gud morning
Every moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before and which u'll never see again. So enjoy n live life & make each moment beautiful. Gd mrng