Good heart &

Good heart &
Good heart & good nature are two different things.Gud heart can win many relationshps but gud nature can sustain life long relationshp.

Jan, 16 2012     135 chars (1 sms)     811 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Always remember:= Success comes in private. But failure hits in public. Wishing you a happy & successful week. Goodmrng
U dont know how high U can fly untill U give a real good try. Just do your best in each try. May b the sky will have to shift little higher.Hv a fantastic day.
The sun had rised from the east & birds r singing happily & butterflies R around the flowers. It is time to wake up & give a big yawning & say gd morning to u..
life......a 4 lettres word which mean LOVE IS FOR mrng
Everyone is good to us untill , we expect nothing from them..... And we are too good for them untill we fulfill their expectations.... Gud morning
SMS are not for timepass.They silently says, that I M Thinking of U. & also making U to think of me for a moment….GM
the real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave the wrong thing unsaid at the most tempting moment. . .GM
Better Keep Yourself clean and bright you are the window which you must see the world. Good morning Have a nice day
I Wish Ur Life bSoft As SilkWhite As MilkSweet As HoneyFull Of MoneyMay All Ur Dreamz Come TrueThis Wish Is Only 4 UGood MRNG
This dog is one buffalo of donkey the best monkey ways 2 pigs make u rat smile! CONFUSED!!! NOW READ IT AGAIN LEAVING UR NICK NAMEs..Gm…
Lyf Has No Pause Button Dreams Have No Expiry Date Time Takes No Holiday Live Lyf Based On These Principles Think Well Live Simple & B Happy.GM
Being perfect doesnt mean dat everythng is perfect .It means dat u hv decided 2 look beyond imperfections. Have a gr8 day