G odO ffer usO

G odO ffer usO
G odO ffer usO utstandingD evotion 2M ake usO bedient &R eady forN ew day toI nviteN ew aim forG lory of life.Have a nice day…

Jan, 16 2012     126 chars (1 sms)     848 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Anger is a Condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind. Smile is an action which makes everything work faster except the tongue.G.D.
Tackle life with all ur skill to overcome each & every hill; if u persist with all ur will, u will enjoy ur life & all its thrill... so just chill !!
5 Steps to every LOVELY MORNING this year. Close ur eyes, Take a deep breath, Open ur arms wide, Feel ur heart beat & say… Here I AM OH LORD, Embrace ME & be my STRENGTH TODAY!!!
It is a simple mind touching interactive long lasting effect which wins the hearts.. yes..its your sweet smile so keep smiling always, good morning
Success of life will create crowd 4 u, loneliness of life will create vaccum 4 u, but tough times in life will create the true person in u..good morning:
Our friendship is like a flying kite.U r the color paper of kite.People see & appricate u.I am the thread, invisible to people but always with U.Gud morning
"Love ur self, roam with ur understanding, romance with dreams, get engaged with simplicity,marry genuineness, divorce the ego. Thats life..Gud morng
Never Get Tired ofTrying forSomething which UReally Want toAcheive, Be Strong& Steady In UrWay Door OfSUCCESS Will OpenFOR U.G'Mrng
'Pls give me a KISS !Shocked ?Daro matKISS means...K > KoiI > InterestingS > SmsS > Send karoab to thik hai na .So KISS me every day.Good morning
I woke up 2day "smiling" as i remember i hve a best friend like u & i hope many yrs frm now, i would still wake up smiling 4 d same good reason. :
A ray of light, a ray of hope.A brand new day, know u could cope.When the day is done, look back & see,how the good sun has touched you & me.Gud mrng!
Hey listen.Today she was asking me ur details.I gave her ur cell no.she will b visiting u soon.Her name is SMILE ,i think it came.Good Morng