Happiness always looks

Happiness always looks
Happiness always looks small when you hold it in your hands ... But when you learn to share it , you will realize how big and precious it is!! Gd mrng

Jan, 16 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     855 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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People who Spend Time On Propagating Their Present Achievements Will Not Find Time to Grow Beyond Their Current Level.GM
If People around U r trying to Pull U Down,Be Proud about itBecauseIt Means only 1 thingU r above them,believe it...U r the best!!!GD MRNG
Friendship opens many doors, Each with a different view; But none could be more beautiful,Than the door that leads to U....Good Morning
to luv someone is a natural instinct. to b luved by someone is luck. to live wid someone u luv is achievement. to live wid someone who luves u is life! gud mrng
Dont take life too seriously,Always find time to laugh… Remember that laughter not only adds years to ur life,But adds more Life to ur Years….gd mrng
Today wrap a rainbow of Joy in ur heart,let d sun paint a Smile on ur face,remove all clouds of doubt n fears n may u simply have a Beautiful day!! G'Mrng
If u wait 4 Happy moments,u will wait forever..But if U start believing Dat u r Happy,U will be Happy 4ever.Wishing U Happiness 4ever...Good morning
Dont Complain !Because 50% of People Don't Care if you have got a Problem &the Other 50% are Happy that you Have Got a Problem So Enjoy.GM
"Life is a Book of Mysteries.,U'll Never kNow which Page wil briNg a Good Twist.,So,keep On ReadiNg.,Bcoz HappiNess comes wheN it's Most Unexpected".GM
The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality! but d permanent defeat of life comes wen we surrender our dreams to reality. good morning
CHEER up and REJOICE Coz every new day brings new Life.... new blessings.... new hope! Have a nice day! GUD-MORNING!
Give each other space & time alone. Everyone needs this type of space, without explanation. And u don’t have to do everything together! Keep some activities just for urself.GM