Happiness always looks

Happiness always looks
Happiness always looks small when you hold it in your hands ... But when you learn to share it , you will realize how big and precious it is!! Gd mrng

Jan, 16 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     863 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Our life begins with our cry,Our life ends with others cry,so try to utilize this gap in laugh as much as possible...Gm.
Every one wants happiness, no one needs pain, but its not possible to get a rainbow without a little rain! So face the life with confidence..Hav a g8 day!
" Desire, determine and decide those things that will change the temperature of your life." Good Morning
"Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have." Enjoy every bitBe happy and make others happy..Gud mrng
Wellwisher is not who meets U everyday and talk with U everyday. Wellwisher is one who may or maynot meet U but always think of U & Ur happiness..gd mrng
Dreams are god's way of showing what we can achieve. And he wakes us up every morning to give us a chance to achieve it. So do your best!
"Instead of thinking about what you're missing,Try to think aboutwhat you have that everyone else is missing.."Life will be happy…GM
Never be sad 4missing whatever u expectd!But, be happy 4 dat! Bcoz god has planned 2 giv anothr 1,better dan u expected!.GM
When v think about r problems, they D_O_U_B_L_E. But when we laugh at them they become A B_U_B_B_L_E! Have a doubly bubbly Day.gudmorning
Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear. They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here Good Morning!
When U DO ANYTHIING NEW..at first people LAUGH at u..Then they CHALLENGE u..Then they WATCH u succeed.AND then?"THEY WISH THEY WERE U !"Gud morning...--
May ur salty days b peppered wid SPICY LOV, May u bask in LEMON SUNSHINE, play on STRAWBERRY FIELD, under a VANILLA SKY...in short hav a YUMMY DAY !!