Now The New Day

Now The New Day
Now The New Day Has Juzzz StartedLet It Be The Best One YetFull Of Hope, Success And GladnessLeave Nothing To RegretGood Morning ..

Jan, 16 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     858 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Whenever you get pains in your life. just think about the fullform of pains. ‘positive attitude in negative situation’ follow it & your life will change.. good morning…
The loveliest day comes when you wake up to find that Love still Colours your World through people who Truly care & never fail to remember you...Good morning..
Effort is important. But knowing where to make an effort in ur life makes all d mrng
Somebody asked God, "I Want Peace". God replied, "Remove the ' I ', that is Ego; Remove the 'Want', that is desire; & 'Peace' will be aautomaticaly urs,GD MRNG
Memories r treasure dat nobody can steal!But they can leave behind a pain 4 d moments when d dear ones are at a distance..GM
Opinions are like hand watches. Everyones watch shows different time from others. But, everyone believe that their time is correct.. Thats life. Gud mrng--
Be happy when God answers your prayer. But be more thankful when God makes you the answer to someone else's. gd mrng
Wake up wink those teeny weeny eyes, stretch those inzy winzy bones, wear that jolly winning smile tell urself today is a beautiful day. Gud Morning.
There is no such thing as a bad day. There are only bad moments that people choose to nurse all day. Think of happy moments and create a happy day. G'mrng
"Hurting someone, is as easy as cutting the tree. But making someone happy is like growing a tree. It takes lot of time"GD DAY
Belief is the most powrful tool against trials. The most effectve medcine against doubt & the most valuable gift to someone we care for..GD MRNG
Be optic in(HEART)Be dynamic in(THOUGHT)Be static in(MIND)Be electric in(CHARACTER)Then u will be(MAGNETIC)everywhere.Gud morning!