Best thought 2 be

Best thought 2 be
Best thought 2 be remembered - "Work for a Cause and not for Applause " & "Live to Express urself and not to Impress some one else...!!"Good morning.

Jan, 16 2012     149 chars (1 sms)     829 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Happiness is like a radio station Broadcasting all d time U just hav 2 learn how 2 tunein & receive it properly! Stay tuned..Stay happy
"Never conclude a person with his present position, b'coz TIME has the power to change a invaluable coal into a valuable diamond".GD MRNG
The world will provide you with stones everyday; what you build out of it is your outlook - A bridge or a wall. Gd mrng
Its True that everyEffort is Not Convertedinto Success,But its Equaly True That Success Does Not Come Without Effort..Good Morning.
The beauty of Life is some what like this: Just when we get all the answers of life.. Life changes the question!GD MRNG
When a sms is sent from a distance u cant see the face, u cant see the smile but u can sense the care that truly comes from my heart. good morning
Please Open Ur Eyes! So The SUN Can Rise, Flowers Can Blossom, Birds Can Sing, Bcoz All are Waiting to See Ur Beautiful SMILE in Ur Face.... & say GOOD MORNING
U R MY BESTSMARTBLE, SWEETEST N INTELIGENT FRIEND.NOTE:- Is msg k sbhi shabd kalpnik he, Inka wastawik jivan se koi sambandh nahi hai..Gud day.
Sky is so blue, I met sumone so true, Now d world seems sumthn new..! Sumone very special among a few,i m glad that god gifted me a sweet frnd lik U.Good mrng & good day
Wining horse dsnt know why it runs in race it runs bcoz of hits & pains life is a race God is ur rider So if u r in pain then think,GOD wants u to win d race!gd mrng
Being silent is a very powerful tool 4 making others feel for their mistakes.It speaks many languages''.GD MRNG
Cheerful people are like Sunlight. They shine in to the corners of the heart & offer bright mornings & fresh hopes. Gud Morningto one such person