Life is a one-way

Life is a one-way
Life is a one-way street. No matter how many detours you take, none of them leads back. So enjoy life every moment as none of them will happen the same way again

Jan, 16 2012     161 chars (2 sms)     784 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Only a lovable prsn can feel ur silent pain & wil hold ur hand til u bcom strong again.I'm here 4 U always as a "Loving Friend" Good morning dear...
life......a 4 lettres word which mean LOVE IS FOR mrng
A heartbreak is not always loud as a bomb blast,it may b as quiet as a feather fallin & most painful thing is nobody hear it.GM
Choose ur words carefuly. Each word has d power 2make or brek.Price&Worth mean d same,bt wen u add LESS,1bcums PRICELESS & other WORTHLESS!
Luck is not in your hand. But work is in your hands.Your work can make luck But Luck cant make your work.So always trust yorself than yr
Trusting in god won't make the mountain smaller,but will make climbing easier. Do not ask him 4 a lighter load but ask him 4 a stronger back bone..Gm
I am a tiny bird standing at your window, Guarding ur soft eyes from the sunlight with my little wings. waiting 4 u 2 wake up, just 2 say ,GoOD MRnG.
If u keep waiting for just the right time,u may never begin So begin from where u r with what u r and with what u have!!GM
Hey listen.Today she was asking me ur details.I gave her ur cell no.she will b visiting u soon.Her name is SMILE ,i think it came.Good Morng
Dedicate time 2 enjoy, its d secret of youth. Dedicate time 4 ur friends, its d path 2 happiness. Dedicate time 2 love n b loved., its 2 source of joy n satisfaction. Gd mrng
Greatest gift u can give to some one is UR TIME. When U give ur time , then u are giving portion of UR LIFE that U will never GET BACK GOOD MORNING
BEAUTIFUL people reflect GOD in their lives.They THINK HIS thoughts, SPEAK HIS Words & LOVE without end.Remain a Beautiful Person ALWAYS!Hav a gr8 day