"Mistakes increases ur

"Mistakes increases ur
"Mistakes increases ur experience and experience decreses ur mistakes.U learn from ur mistakes ;others learn from ur sucess.GM

Jan, 16 2012     126 chars (1 sms)     797 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Wen u run so fast 2get sumwhere,u miss d fun of gettng dere.Life is not a race,so take it systematicaly.Hear d music b4 the song is over.GM
SMILE is a Source to Win a Heart..SMILE is a Name of Lovely Mood..SMiLE Creates Greatness in Personality!So KEEP SMILING.GM
Life is a combination of success and failure. Both are needed. God can do anything for you if you simply give Him a chance. Gud Mrng…
Victory always starts in the head..It is a state of mind..It then spreads with such radiance n affirmation tht destiny can do nothing but obey.GMrng!
Your worst days r never so bad, that u're beyond the reach of God's grace. And ur best days r never so good, that u're beyond the need of God's grace.gd mrng
AAPKA" Pyar Hum Yunhi khone Nahi Denge, Khushiya Mile Apko Kabhi Rone Nahi Denge, Jab Hum Utth Gaye Hai Jaldi, To Apko bhi Sone Nahi Denge
Patience with others is Love,Patience with self is Hope,Patience with God is Faith.Celebrate this beautiful day ! Good Morning
What looks 2b Nothingfinally that bcomes Everything&what is everything suddenly changes 2 NothingThats Life !Learn 2 Live n Live 2 Learn.GM
Morning does not mean that you have to get up and work again. Mornin is God’s way of saying that He loves you so much He wants you to be live another beautiful day. GUD MORNING
Life will be pleasant if we are satisfied with what we have.But will be more thrilling if we make effort to achieve what we deserve..G'Mrng
Your journey will be much lighter and easier if you don’t carry your past with you. good morning.
A nice saYing: "The depth of Your character will be revealed in the waY You respond to situations You dislike...!" Gm