Between a thousand

Between a thousand
Between a thousand yesterdays & a million tomorrows there is only one " TODAY " so don't let it go to waste.Have a beautiful day..... Good morning.

Jan, 16 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     980 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

There r no secrets to success.It is the result of preparation, hard work n learning frm failure.-He, who moves not forward, goes backward. a cool mrng
Smile a while and while you smile, smile another smile and soon there will be miles and miles of smile just because you smiled, i wish your day is full of SMILE
gud mrng! have a nice sunday! have wonderful hours! have sweet sweet minutes! have sugarfree seconds! u know, y sugarfree? coz u'r already so sweet
U crossed my mind just now so I whispered a prayer. I asked God to make u happy forever and mrng
Dont take life too seriously,Always find time to laugh… Remember that laughter not only adds years to ur life,But adds more Life to ur Years….gd mrng
The greatest thing in the world is... not so much where we are..but in what direction we are moving.ON.GM
Tru Relations ar d inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person coz you neither have to weigh ur thoughts nor measure ur words..Good Mrng
Who help U, Don’t forget them! -Who like U, Don’t hate them! -Who has hope on U, Don’t leave them! -Who trust U, Don’t cheat them!GM
Live each day in d happiest way,be d best, no matter wher u stay.Let ur fortune so unfold, tht even the stones u hold, may turn into gold.G'Morning!
God gives us a loving spirit so we can be better persons; not just gifted with a mind that understands but with a heart that truly cares. Good morning!
Obstacles are put in our way to see if we really want somethingOr we just thought we did." Good Morning
"In Life, we Have a Lot to Lose and Very Little to Choose. So, Whenever u Get a Chance 2 Choose, Do it carefully and See That U Never Lose it...!