Timet is like

Timet is like
Timet is like a river U can't touch the same water twice,B'coz the flow that has passed will never pass again..... So enjoy every moment of life. *

Jan, 16 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     943 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Man's Rise or Fall,Success R Failure, Happiness R Unhappiness Depends on his Attitudea man's Attitude will Create D Situation he Imagine.Gud morning…
Ordinary people don't value their own time rather try to waste others time. so keep yourself away from these people. good morning
A New Morning a New Sun A New Day A New Smile Says To You Forget All The Worries All The Sorrow For Someone Who Wants To See You Always Happy GoOd MoRnInG ..
Wats the meaning of sms(share my sweetness) (search my soul) (seek my sweetheart) (succeed my smartness)(see my smile)so keep sending SMS Good morning..--
Never design ur character like a GARDEN where anyone can walk..ButDesign it like THE SKY where everyone aspires to reach..gm
Wake up and open those teeny weeny eyes,stretch those inzy winzy bones,give that jolly winning smile & see its a beautiful day..Good Morning
Life is a rope that swings us through hope . Always believe today is better than yesterday &tomarrow will be much better than today..G'Mrng
A heartbreak is not always loud as a bomb blast,it may b as quiet as a feather fallin & most painful thing is nobody hear it.GM
4 a relation to work u need 2: Care bout each other. Respect each others needs. Communicate wid each other. B truthful wid each other on all things big & small. Commitment 2 each other & ur relationship.GD MRNG
'G' god'O' offer us'O' outstanding'D' Devotion to'M' make us'O' obedient &'R' ready for'N' new day to'I' initiate'N' new aim for the'G' glory of life..HAVE A NICE DAY
Sometimes, the best way to find what you're looking for is to stop looking for it. The answers are usually within us and the harder we try to look ahead, the further we get from what's right in front of us.gd mrng
Evryday is specialif u THINK so Evry moment is memorable if u FEEL so Evry1 is unique if u SEE so Life is Beautifulif u LIVE so Gud mrng.