Man's Rise or Fall,Success R Failure, Happiness R Unhappiness Depends on his Attitudea man's Attitude will Create D Situation he Imagine.Gud morning…
A New Morning a New Sun A New Day A New Smile Says To You Forget All The Worries All The Sorrow For Someone Who Wants To See You Always Happy GoOd MoRnInG ..
Wats the meaning of sms(share my sweetness) (search my soul) (seek my sweetheart) (succeed my smartness)(see my smile)so keep sending SMS Good morning..--
4 a relation to work u need 2: Care bout each other. Respect each others needs. Communicate wid each other. B truthful wid each other on all things big & small. Commitment 2 each other & ur relationship.GD MRNG
'G' god'O' offer us'O' outstanding'D' Devotion to'M' make us'O' obedient &'R' ready for'N' new day to'I' initiate'N' new aim for the'G' glory of life..HAVE A NICE DAY
Sometimes, the best way to find what you're looking for is to stop looking for it. The answers are usually within us and the harder we try to look ahead, the further we get from what's right in front of mrng