Follow two things

Follow two things
Follow two things For a Better Life... 1. Dont talk when you are angry. 2. Dont take the words seriously from the one who is mrng

Jan, 16 2012     138 chars (1 sms)     834 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

No one can go back and make a new beginning but anyone can start from now and make a happy ending. Hope you’ll have a new day that starts right and ends happy.
When All season will go dry, When All birds leave the sky, When All will say Good Bye, Once Again U will Find Me saying HHiiiiiii!!gd mrng!
Hey listen.Today she was asking me ur details.I gave her ur cell no.she will b visiting u soon.Her name is SMILE ,i think it came.Good Morng
Difficulties in ur life do not come to destroy U, but to help u realise ur hidden potential. Let Difficulties Know That U R DIFFICULT.Gud mrng
Best Thought:"the person who luv u most will trouble n irritate u the maximum,bt whn u drop a tear,he will fight wid the world to stop ur tears."gud mrng
Pyaari Si Subhah Pyaare Se Panchi Pyaarese kinare,pyaari se bunde pyaari si thandi havaai Eak pyaar se insaan ko pyaara sa din jaaye.
Most luvable line:It brks ur hrt 2 c d 1 u luv Is happy wid sum1 else,bt its more painful 2 knw tht d 1 u luv is unhappy wid u.gud mrng.
Frndsip's a silent gift of nature,Mor old mor strong,Mor d!p mor clear,Mor clos mor warm,&Less wordsBut More Undrstnding...GMrng...
,"I m Not In Competition With Anybody But Myself. My Goal is To Beat My Last PerformAnce" GM
Do U Know Y Car's Front Glass Is Large & D Rear View Mirror Is Small?Bcz Future Is more Imprtnt Than Past,Look Ahead Wid Bigger View & MoveOn.GM
Persistence will make you win “Good Luck” whatever you may be hoping for and aspiring to be in life. May your patience and belief is mrng
Instead of Thinking about what you are MISSING. Sometimes it is GOOD to THINK About what you have that many are MISSING. Good Morning