The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality! but d permanent defeat of life comes wen we surrender our dreams to reality. good morning
Two secrets to keep your life brimming and avoid clashes.. Whenever you're wrong admit it. . . BUT Whenever you're right be silent. . . Gud Morning....
GOOD MORNING The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & miss you.
My SMILE is more loud then MUSICwhich can even be heard in silencei dont like to miss YOU because u r too much close to my heart alwaysGOOD MORNING. Have a nice day
No candle loses any of its light while lighting up another candle"So nvr stp helping othrs cos it makes ur life mor meaningful..gud morning. Have a nice day..