YESTERDAY IN MY DREAM U WERE COUNTING LOT OF MONEY !!But i didnt understand why u were sitting in front of temple...!!Good Mornin!

Jan, 16 2012     130 chars (1 sms)     750 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Feeling Tense?Think MeFeeling Sad?Call MeFeeling Lonly?C MeFeeling Sleepy?DreAm of MeMy NAme is.SELF CONFIDENCE never lose me.GM
You Will Never Be Anything in the World Without Courage .It is The Greatest Quality Of The Mind.GM
New day, new blessings. dont let yesterdays failures ruin d beauty of 2day. Blessings of God r new evry AM. 2day has its own promise of luv, 4givness, joy & success.
Sucess without a positive attiude is called LUCK but sucess with a positive attitude is called ACHIEVEMENT. Gud mrng
The Two of the most important things when u wakeup today 1.Pray,so that u may Live 2.Take a bath so that others may Live too! Gud mrng
Nevr get discouraged, bcoz nothng gr8 is ever achieved without patience&hope.Remembr,It is often d last key in d bunch dat opens d door.GM
People who give importance to their happiness make other peoples unhappy from themselves. Good Morning
When u belive someone deeply. Misundrstnding arises, but dont feel 4 it bcoz Some Misunderstnding is needed 4 gud Understanding.Gud mrng
Rainbow is a cute design,as they lovingly shine.Have u seen an inverted rainbow? U never know that it's ur smile. Let me see that rainbow forever.Gm
Timet is like a river U can't touch the same water twice,B'coz the flow that has passed will never pass again..... So enjoy every moment of life. *
Bahar aati hai aapke aane se Phool khilte hai aapki jhalak pane se zyada mat soiye janab kyoki her subah hoti hai aapke MUSKURANE se
The rain makes all things beautiful,The grass & flowers too..If rain makes all things beautiful,why doesn't it rain on you?-Gud Morning