"Hide your smile

"Hide your smile
"Hide your smile when people around you are sad..Hide your sadness when people around you are happy"Then Your life Always remains "RESPECTABLE".GM

Jan, 16 2012     146 chars (1 sms)     1905 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

God givs evry bird its food,bt he doesnt throw it 2 its nest."DefeAt is nt wen u fAl down,its wen u refuse 2 get up"Gud MRNG
Hi,Now I Am Coming To Meet U...In The Way Of Sun Light...In The Way Of Sweet Breeze...In The Way Of Good Wishes...Just To Say Good Morning..
Kill the STRESS before it Kills u. Reach the GOAL before it kicks u. Help evryone before somone helps u. Live the LIFE before Life leaves u.gd mrng
Wen u get little,u want more.Wen u get more,u desire even more.But wen u lose it u realise"little" was enough..GD MRNG
D wrst thng in lif is 'ATTACHMENT'- It hrts whn u lose itd bst tng in life is 'LONELINESS' bcoz it teches u evrythn n whn u lose it,u gt evrythnG.GM
Conquer the angry man by love. Conquer the ill natured man by goodness. Conquer the miser with generosity. Conquer the liar with truth.GD MRNG
Bhor Hui Chidiya Chahchahne Lagi Suraj Nikla Kirnein Muskrane Lagi, Phool Khile, Kaliya Sharmane Lagi, Subah Ki Oss Ki Bund n Chupke s Kan m Kaha- GOOD MORNING
Life is like a FLUTE..It may have several Holes & Emptiness,But if we work on it,The same Holes & Emptiness produce Magical Melodies.GD MRNG
"A person who laughs more and make others laugh would be having a thunder storm sadness beneath his heart"-Gud Morning
If U can solve ur problem, then what is need of worrying? If U cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying. Gd mrng
Health is not merely the absence of diseases.It is a positive state of physical,mental,moral,social and spiritual well beingness.Good morning
Today wrap a rainbow of Joy in ur heart,let d sun paint a Smile on ur face,remove all clouds of doubt n fears n may u simply have a Beautiful day!! G'Mrng