A heartbreak is not

A heartbreak is not
A heartbreak is not always loud as a bomb blast,it may b as quiet as a feather fallin & most painful thing is nobody hear it.GM

Jan, 16 2012     127 chars (1 sms)     5748 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Let d Most Beautiful Dream Cum 2 U Tonite, Let d Sweetest Person Come In Ur Dream Tonight, But Don't Make It A Habit Bcoz I M Not Free Every Night.
We Always Feel that GOD Never comes on Time When We Call Him... But the Truth is ~ He is Always on Time But We are Always in Hurry!.good morning
Hai.. Get up.!Get up.!A beautful day is waiting 4uWalk with aims Run with confidencFly with ur Achivements.Soget up..! Good morning
A boy cried wen he had no shoes Suddenely he stopd crying wen he saw a man widout legs Lyf is ful of Blessings sumtyms V dnt undrstnd it.GD MRNG
Relationship doesnt get closer by meetngs, but it is sweetend by THOUGHTS. I care 4 u in my own STRANGE ways. Maybe u'll never know, Perhaps I'll nvr show.
WAVES are inspiring not because they RISE and FALL but because each time they FALL they NEVER FAIL to RISE AGAIN. Have a RISING LIFE. GOOD MORNING
Easily achieved things does not stay longer"&"Things which stay for a long time r not easily achieved"gud morning
Always have a Positive attitude in life: There is something Positive in every person & every situation..... Even a dead clock is right twice a day!. Gd mrng
Success is measured not so much by the height that one has achieved in the life but by the difficulties that one has overcome while achieving success..Gudmrng
I Don 't Know The Key To Success ,But The Key To FAilure Is Trying To PleAse Everybody.LeAve the HesitAtion Live the Life With Freedom..GM
There is no such thing as a bad day. There are only bad moments that people choose to nurse all day. Think of happy moments and create a happy day. G'mrng
You can Eat & Drink Together,Talk & Laugh Together,But you Are Only Real Friends When You Also Cried Together.GudMrng. Gud Day.