Whenever u think about me, remember me. Then just send me sms with names.But don't expect the same from me, bcoz i can't send u sms for every second.Gd mrng
Success is like a beautiful lover it will leave us at any time,but failure is like a mother it will teach us some important lessons of life. Good m6ning.
Life is only traveled ONCE, Today's MOMENT becomesTOMORROW's MEMORY. Enjoy every moment, good or bad, because the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself.... Have a nice day
Thought of the day-Think twice before leaving a space in someones heart, bcoz its difficult to realize the pain when u see someone else filling ur space..!:.GM
the real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave the wrong thing unsaid at the most tempting moment. . .GM