"A person who

"A person who
"A person who laughs more and make others laugh would be having a thunder storm sadness beneath his heart"-Gud Morning

Jan, 16 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     901 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear. They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here Good Morning!
When u share urself with others, Life begins to find its meaning. The Time u touch the Hearts of others, is the moment u truly start living.Gd mrng
"Even a small dot can stop a big sentence.. But Few more dots can give a continuity…" Amazing but True..GD MRNG
To achieve the marvellous , It is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought ....Gud MRNG
Achievers never Expose themselves. But their Achievements Expose them. So lets do some SMARTWORK to become BEST in the FUTURE:GM
Timet is like a river U can't touch the same water twice,B'coz the flow that has passed will never pass again..... So enjoy every moment of life. *
A smile is like a recharge card of life, whenever u insert d recharge of a smile, a beautiful day is activated !! So, keep smiling ....Good morning
When v think about r problems, they D_O_U_B_L_E. But when we laugh at them they become A B_U_B_B_L_E! Have a doubly bubbly Day.gudmorning
The Hard Reality Of Life Is- When U Need Advice,Every1 Is Ready To Help U But When U Need Help,Every1 tries To Advice U.Dats life..GM
watch d ants crawl up d wall..U notice dat no mattr hw busy dey r dey stil stop&wish 1 anothr.Hop v can b lik dem-in touch 4evr.. gud day!
Dont Go d Way Life TakesU.Take Life d Way U Want to Go.Just b urself,dnt compromise always,Remembr U r Born to Rule not to be Ruled. B a 'WARRIOR in lyf..gm
Trusting in god won't make the mountain smaller,but will make climbing easier. Do not ask him 4 a lighter load but ask him 4 a stronger back bone..Gm