"Dreams" are very

"Dreams" are very
"Dreams" are very important part of reality. "Dreams" has no limits of imagination.So i wish all ur "gud dreams"

Jan, 16 2012     112 chars (1 sms)     789 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Express urslf such dat ur enemies too remembr u. Laugh such tht ur sadnes too laughs vit u. Live ur life such dat GOD too feels proud of U.GD MRNG
Smile in pleasure, smile in pain; Smile when trouble pours like rain; Smile when someone hurts U, Smile coz someone cares 4 U. Keep Smiling.
I pray 2 God 2 give u shanti, shakti, sampati, swarup, saiyam, safalta, samrudhi, sanskar, swasth, sanman, sarswati, sneh."SUPRABHAT
Hapines cant b traveled 2 ownedearnedor consumedits d spiritual xprience of living evry sec wid luv grace & gratitudehv hapy days alwayzGud morning...--
Don't place UR mistakes on UR head,its weight may crush U.Instead place them under UR feet & use it as a platform to view UR horizon. GM
Be big enough to admit mistakes, Smart enough to profit from them & strong enough to correct them"! Have a Great Morning
These are just 16 letters yet they mean so much when warmly sent just to keep in touch.(>*<) T*A*K*E* (<<**>>);;""C*A*R*E* @$##(>>^^^<<)##$@ OF URSELF..$#%% Good Morning.... ""
Strugle thru d tasteles cofee til d Last sip only 2discovr sugar crystals lying at d bottom, Datz..Life, Sweetened jus nt stirred well enuf!Good morning..--
Persons who live in one's heart, are not needed to be met daily, their memories themselves are worth more than meeting them..GM
Don't expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When u don't expect, every moment, everything is a surprise n every surprise brings happiness. morning
If u MAnAge to Smile at Any Situation,U r the winner of Highest Number of heArts in This world.So ManAge with Smile Anytime nd Anywhere.GM
Ho aapki life me khushiyon ka mela,kabhi na aaye koi bhi jhamela.sada sukhi rahe aapka basera.i wish U a very Happy,& Refreshing savera. Oye utho yaar