Best Msg:Worlds

Best Msg:Worlds
Best Msg:Worlds most beautiful things happen 2 worlds most beautiful ppl but perhaps beuty doesn't lie on face, It lies in realm of hearts!GM

Jan, 16 2012     141 chars (1 sms)     847 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Don't get 'UPSET' with little jerks in life,Bcozlife is like a road & problems are like speed breakers,They 'SAVE' us from'BIG'
Zindagime dukh ko"Delete"karoKhushiyo ko "Save"karoDushman ko "Edit"karoDost ko"Enter"karoour hamesha hum ko yad karo ......,..! GM
Ever Seen a bAby LeArn to wAlk without fAlling down..?...No !!!You never Will either.MistAke R A pArt of the process We cAll Success..GM
I still remmbr d day I send a sms 2 U sayin"sender is Cool & reader is Fool"u Got Angry & replied"sender is Fool & reader is Cool"u r a Genius.GM
arrow can be sent only by pulling it back. So when life is dragging u back with difficulties it means that it going to launch u into victory
Blue be the sky above you. Soft be the road below you. Love be the breeze around you.I pray all happiness surround you.Good morning
A DEEP THOUGHT :Those that are most slow in making PROMISE are the most FAITHFUL in the performance of it.Gud Mrng
LYF is a Rope dt Swings us thro HOPE,Always believ 2day is much Better dan Yday &2moro wil b Best dan 2day!So jst Go on.Gud nite.Swt drmz.
5 frogs r sitting on a wall!4 decide to jump off.How many left now??still 5.There's a lot of difference betweenDeciding & Doing Have a great day.
A beautyful day is waiting for you.Walk with aims,Run with confidence,Fly with your Achivements.So,get up.Make lovly DAY .... Good morning.
Most relationships fail not coz of d absence of love.. Love iz always present, it's just that, one loves too much n d other loves too many.GD MRNG
WAVES are inspiring not because they RISE and FALL but because each time they FALL they NEVER FAIL to RISE AGAIN. Have a RISING LIFE. GOOD MORNING