Pls open ur swt

Pls open ur swt
Pls open ur swt eyes!Pls wake frm ur soft bed!Pls fresh ur beautful face! Pls open ur heart & remembr ur swt frnd !Gud mrng

Jan, 16 2012     123 chars (1 sms)     5101 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happend. GD MRNG
When You Speak From Your HeartAnd Say The Words Your Soul Has OnlyDared To Whisper,That's When Miracles Happen !!So, Believe In YourselfGood Morning
Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And which ull never see again so enjoy & live life & make each moment beautiful…gd mrng
To be kind is more important than to be right. Often people need a patient heart that listens. No a brilliant mind that speaks.GD MRNG
Life is a dream, realize it.Life is a challenge, meet it.Life is a duty, complete it.Life is a game, play it.
Talents in u should b like spider's web. It may not b strong enough 2 hold this whole world, but it should hold urself to rule ur kingdom.GM
lovely message 4 lovely person from lovely friend 4 a lovely reason at a lovely time from a lovely mind in a lovely mood in a lovely style ... gd-mrng…
Peopels who are doing good today are ensuring their happiness for tommorrow.......Good Morning
On the New Day, it is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to Prosperity. Have a nice day
DEW on ROSES are the TEARS of NIGHT to give way to the MORNING LIGHT.I keep them in my PALM,close my EYES & wish you a very special "GOOD MORNING".
"Never conclude a person with his present position, b'coz TIME has the power to change a invaluable coal into a valuable diamond".GD MRNG
Its True that everyEffort is Not Convertedinto Success,But its Equaly True That Success Does Not Come Without Effort..Good Morning.