When asked what 4giveness is, a little girl gave this lovely answer: " it is the sweet scent that a flower gives when it is being crushed" Good Morning...
Make your life a rose that speaks silently the language of fragrance, bcoz it is only in the depth of silence that u can hear ur heart's voice….Good morning.
An ideal day should begin with a cute little yawn on your face, a cup of coffee in your hand & a sms from me on your mobile?! have a great day! good morning.
My lovely messages are not for time pass.They silently say thatI'm thinking of youright now and alsoMaking you tothink of Me for a moment..Good morning
Success will NEVER lower it's standard to accommodate us.We HAVE TO raise our standard to achieve it "FOR EVERY BIRD, GOD PROVIDES FOOD BUT NOT IN ITS NEST!GM