If every rain drops would b1of ur smile, i wish that it rains heavily through out. So that there is no space for tears in ur life. B hapy always..Gd MRNG
Don't expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When u don't expect, every moment, everything is a surprise n every surprise brings happiness. morning
Best Thought:"the person who luv u most will trouble n irritate u the maximum,bt whn u drop a tear,he will fight wid the world to stop ur tears."gud mrng
Hot tea with my COLD sms, Cold shower with my WARM sms, Spicy breakfast with my SWEET sms, And lovely morning with my GOOD MORNING sms.....Have a nice day!
Positive thinking is a bit like this:a little bird in the sky u look up it shits in ur eyes,u dont mind,u dont cry,u just thank god dat,cows dont fly!Gud mng--