Life is like a coin.

Life is like a coin.
Life is like a coin.Pleasure & pain r d two sides.Only 1 side is visible at a time.But remember other side is also waiting 4 its turn.GM

Jan, 16 2012     136 chars (1 sms)     803 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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little faith says "U can do it"Big faith says"U will do it"But Great faith says"consider It done!"Nothing is imposible wen U belive in urself Good Morning
When Flood comes, the Fish eat Ants,When water dries, the Ants eat Fish.Fate gives chance to everyone.Just have to wait for our turn..GM
Nice frnds are like d wind.U will never c them.But u will feel their presence...U r my precious wind. Good morning…
Positive thinking is a bit like this:a little bird in the sky u look up it shits in ur eyes,u dont mind,u dont cry,u just thank god dat,cows dont fly!Gud mng--
4 a relation to work u need 2: Care bout each other. Respect each others needs. Communicate wid each other. B truthful wid each other on all things big & small. Commitment 2 each other & ur relationship.GD MRNG
Brilliant quote- A good example has twice the value than that of good advice…. So always try to set an example rather than giving advice.GM
Everybody says"Mistake Is The First Step Of Success"But It Is Not True."The Correction Of Mistake Is the First Step Of success...G'Mrng
Speed can be calculated by "MILES PER HOUR". But our life is calculated by "SMILES PER HOUR". So no BP be HAPPY always Gud morning:
SMILE means: "S"et u free "M"akes u Special "I"ncreases ur face Value "L"ifts up ur Spirits "E"rases all ur Tensions!! So keep smiling 4ever. GOOD DAY
Think twice before you hurt someone.It may be tempting, and very satisfying,but is it worth to loose such a friend just to satisfy your temptations GOOD MORNING
4a nice frnd nice morng 4a sweet frnd sweet morning 4a loving frnd lovly morning 4good frnd GOOD MORNING.
The BIGGEST PAIN in LIFE isto sit just beside a PERSON you LOVE a LOT and know the fact that the PERSON can never be urs in this LIFE TIME.gud mrng