Never design ur

Never design ur
Never design ur character like a GARDEN where anyone can walk..ButDesign it like THE SKY where everyone aspires to

Jan, 16 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     1084 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

The more u count ur blessings, the more blessings u will have, to count! I always do, and I count u as the nicest blessing! God Bless u each day Good Morning! Have a nice day!
It takes several yrs for a seed to become a tree.A flower takes months to blossom.So hav patience for any beautiful thing to happen in life.GM
A Short And Cute Proverb:You hAve to leArn Lessons Also from others mistAkes becAuse you wil not get time to do All mistAkes on your own..!!GM
Have an Icy day with Buttering Messages, Chocolaty Calls, Creamy Thoughts, Fruity funs with Plumpy Play and Jumpy Joys... "GOOD MORNING".
Sweet and nicewith just a little spice!Humorous and funnyyet sweet like honey!Laid back and coolas precious as a jewel!I think you're so neatand your friendship is a treat!gooood morning
When All season will go dry, When All birds leave the sky, When All will say Good Bye, Once Again U will Find Me saying HHiiiiiii!!gd mrng!
Beautiful Pictures r Devolped from Negatives in a Dark Room. So, if U see Darkness in ur Life b sure that God is making a Beautiful Picture 4 U!. gd mrng
WishingUonefine DAY!NO wOrries,NO hUrries,NO hangups,NO stress,NO lOss,NO tension,No depresion,No bad moods,Wishing U gr8 day..GOOD Mrng!
Always try to keep the number of landings you make Equal to the number of take off's you make.GD MRNG
Your soul came back from dreamland re-united with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly open ur eyes realize it’s a brand new day.GM
If u stand for a reason, be prepared to stand alone like a tree. If u fall on the ground, fall as a seed that grows back to fight again.GMrng..
Be happy when God answers your prayer. But be more thankful when God makes you the answer to someone else's. gd mrng