Be who you

Be who you
Be who you areand say what you feel because those who mind don't matterand those who matter don't mind.!Good morning.

Jan, 16 2012     117 chars (1 sms)     842 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

We're not too close in distance. We're not too near in miles. But text can still touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles. Good morning!
Five steps to a lovely morning close your eyes, take a deep breath, open your arms wide, feel your heart beat and say its too early. let me sleep again. good morning.
When it is hard for u to hide ur tears.. Then never mind.. start choppin an onion.. let d heart Cry.. u just Smile n blame d onion.GD MRNG
Maintain SILENCE4 2mins 4memory of dos poor mosquitoes who died last nyt aftr drinkin urblood,they had a heavy diabeties bcz ur so sweet…GD MRNG
What is the meaning of sms? Share my sweetness, search my soul, seek my sweetheart, succeed my smartnss, see my smile.So keep sending sms…GD DAY
Best Thought:"the person who luv u most will trouble n irritate u the maximum,bt whn u drop a tear,he will fight wid the world to stop ur tears."gud mrng
What the word IMPOSSIBLE says I M Possible. So every thing which seems impossible is itself says that is mrng
Be bold when u loss & Be calm whn u win.Ur Life is a fingerprint,That cant b duplicated, So make d best impression with it!GM
Beautiful frendz & Beautiful thought r rare 2 find. But i'm lucky 2 fnd such a beautiful frend whose beautiful thoughts alway's fill my mind... Gud Mrng
If u keep waiting for just the right time,u may never begin So begin from where u r with what u r and with what u have!!GM
Everything about the Future is uncertain, but one thing is sure. GOD has already arranged all our tommorows, we just have to trust mrng
All Power isWithin uU can doAnything &everythingBeliev in that.You Are the Creator ofYour Own Destiny.-"Swami Vivekanand".Gud morning.