Being happy doesn't

Being happy doesn't
Being happy doesn't mean everything's ok. It only means you've decided to see things beyond life's imperfections! Whatever happens, stay happy and enjoy what life brings!

Jan, 16 2012     170 chars (2 sms)     975 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

What is the meaning of sms? Share my sweetness, search my soul, seek my sweetheart, succeed my smartnss, see my smile.So keep sending sms…GD DAY
Befor v can lead,v must serve Befor v cn serve,v must prepreBefor v cn prepare,v must learn Befor v can learn,V must listen Befor v can listen,V must b silent.GM
Friends r like crayonsthey colour our livesi may not b ur favourite colorbt hope u ll need me sumwhr to complete ur picture..!G'mrng
Making everyone happy in the world is impossible. Atleast make the one happy who is being with u, by your love, affection and sweet smile.Good morning.
May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone in your hand, inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart, and a clear signal all day long. Nice day
if you are HAPPY you will remember the person whom YOU love.. If you are SAD you will remember the person who loves YOU.GD MRNG
Mistakes are painful when they happen,But years later a collection of mistakes called Experience Which leads us to success... gd mrng
Garden ful of flowers flower ful of honey Honey ful of sweet sweet ful of taste But my HEARTFul of you & your FRIENDSHIP......$ Gud morning..
Be in TodayBelieve in TodayBehave in TodayBe alive in TodayBcozYesterday died for Today&Tomorrow takes birth from TodayGood Day
Live for D prson who dies for u,, Smile for d prsn who cries 4 u,,, Fight for d prsn who protects u & love d prson who love u more den u... Good morning have a great day.
I have no diamonds to give u… I have no pearls to give u.. but I have two little words to give u… Good day
"Whn lot's of people start 2 love u,U may get confused whom 2 love,Just tel them i hate u,Every one wil get back but not the person who loves u truly.G'Mrng